Nutribén® Natal Pro-α

Nutribén® Natal Pro-α is a baby formula, suitable for newborns and onwards, when breastfeeding is not possible or insufficient. It encourages your baby’s balanced development.

The main differentiating feature of this formula is that it contains whey protein concentrate enriched with alpha-lactalbumin, the main protein in breast milk, that:1-12

  • Allows reduction of the amount of proteins, which guarantees a proper amino acid profile that is similar to that of breast milk.
  • Decreases the risk of obesity in adult life, as it reduces the amount of proteins..
  • Improves digestibility of proteins because it has a similar composition to breast milk.
  • Reduces renal solute load by reducing the amount of proteins.
  • Reduces allergenicity of proteins, by increasing the amount of alpha-lactalbumin and decreasing beta-lactoglobulin.

The formula also contains many nutrients that are essential for your baby’s development.

a) ARA and DHA13-18

  • An appropriate 1:1 ratio.
  • It encourages proper development of the Central Nervous System.
  • Proper development of visual function.
  • They aid in your baby’s proper cognitive development.

b) 100% lactose13

  • The same carbohydrate as breast milk.
  • Encourages development of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus: prebiotic effect.
  • Decreases growth of E. coli.
  • Improves absorption of divalent metals such as calcium and magnesium.
  • Provides galactose, which is necessary for brain development.

c) Prebiotics (GOS)19

  • More similar to breast milk.
  • 100% GOS – oligosaccharide found in breast milk.
  • Reduce constipation due to its fibre effect – Softer stools.
  • Prebiotic effect – helps growth of bifidobacteria that are found in the colon, obtaining all their benefits.
  • Strengthen the immune system.

d) Nucleotides20-26

  • More similar to breast milk.
  • Encourage development of immune system.
  • Improve intestinal development.
  • Improve vaccine response.
  • Increase iron absorption.
  • Influence metabolism of lipoproteins and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Protect the intestinal flora.

e) Choline2

  • Proper synthesis of phosphatidylcholine. The main phospholipid in the brain and kidneys.
  • Important for brain development.

f) L- carnitine2

  • Correct brain development, maturation of the central nervous system and composition of cell membranes.
  • Helps properly obtain fatty acids and energy.
  • Regulates metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

g) Inositol13

  • Important for lung development.
  • Prevents development of retinopathy and necrotising enterocolitis.
  • Mediation of cellular responses to external stimulus.

h) Minerals

  • With calcium, phosphorous and magnesium which aid in the correct development of bones in children.27
  • With iron, which encourages normal cognitive development in children.28
  • With zinc, which contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.29
  • With selenium, which contributes to protecting DNA, proteins and fats from oxidative damage..30
  • With iodine, which contributes to normal cognitive development and normal functioning of the thyroid.31

i) Vitamins

  • With vitamin D, necessary for the normal development of bones and teeth in children.27
  • Contains vitamin C, which contributes to the correct functioning of the immune system.32-33

– Net weight: available in 400 gr. y 800 gr.

– Check ingredients and product analysis.

Dosage table

This table is based on average requirements, and may only be varied if indicated by your doctor.

Levelled scoops*
Boiled water (ml.)
Feeds per day
Age: 0 to 2 weeks
Age: 2 to 8 weeks
Age: 2 to 3 months
Age: 3 to 6 months
Age: 6 months and onwards

*One levelled scoop is equal to approximately 4,5 gr.


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