The UAM-Alter Chair “Nutrinfant” seeks to promote applied research, as well as scientific and academic support, in the field of health in relation to child nutrition.
The UAM-Alter Chair “Nutrinfant” seeks to promote applied research, as well as scientific and academic support, in the field of health in relation to child nutrition, opening new lines of research aimed at developing and marketing new products through activities of R+D+I. In terms of training, the organization of courses on health and infant nutrition for professionals in the health sector is contemplated, as well as the participation in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching activities. And in addition, events and dissemination days will be organized for groups of interest within the field and a scientific journal on child health and nutrition will be created to distribute in pharmacies and pediatric environments.
For Alter and more specifically for Nutribén®, who has more than 55 years of experience as a specialist in infant feeding, “is the beginning of an ambitious project that will allow us to promote such important areas as teaching, research, and innovation, in the area of health and infant feeding – in the words of Enrique Alonso Jentoft, CEO of Alter Group- Everything under the umbrella of a collaboration that for us as a company and as a brand, is presented as a milestone key, even more, when we speak of one of the most prestigious universities in the country, with a structure, means and equipment recognized even at an international level”
This chair of three years will be linked to the Teófilo Hernando Institute of R&D of Medicine. “With this chair, researchers from Instituto Teófilo Hernando and Nutribén® want to contribute to creating new food products focused on preventing childhood obesity and improving the child’s eating habits, in collaboration with pediatricians and other professionals related to children’s health”, has indicated the director of the Chair, Antonio García García, Professor emeritus of the Department of Pharmacology of the Faculty of Medicine of the UAM.
The signing of the agreement took place at the Autonomous University of Madrid where Rafael Garesse, the Rector of the UAM, Fidel Rodríguez Batalla, the General Director of the Foundation of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Alberto Alonso, the President of the Alter Group and Enrique Alonso, CEO of the Alter Group, among other representatives of the aforementioned institutions were present.