First months > Nutrition during pregnancy

Before you start eating the foods you need, it is important to know that good eating habits begin before you become pregnant.

Nov 11, 2019

They say the woman becomes a mother from the moment she finds out about her pregnancy. And they do not lack reason, because, at that moment, a protocol of care begins that will accompany her for 9 months and the mission is to help the baby to be born healthy and strong. In this caring routine, food plays a fundamental role. If normally, what we eat influences our state of health, during pregnancy, this importance rises significantly. For this reason, and to help you eat right for the next few weeks, today we’re going to tell you what foods you can eat during pregnancy and which ones you should restrict. Are you ready?


What you should eat during pregnancy

Before you start eating the foods you need, it is important to know that good eating habits begin before you become pregnant.  Although you should always eat a balanced diet and as healthy as possible, it is indeed important to establish good eating habits a few months before, when you start seeking pregnancy. But how? By quitting smoking, eating healthy and varied food and taking folic acid supplements.

Once you become pregnant, you have a responsibility to feed your baby and that means you should eat as healthy as possible. And although your doctor or a midwife will give you some guidelines on the nutrients you should eat in the upcoming months, we do not miss the opportunity to remind you that you must eat to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

  • A lot of energy is needed during pregnancy, especially at the end. That’s why your diet should not miss a good dose of carbohydrates, which you can find in bread, cereals, and potatoes. And once you’re ready to go, eat your whole-grain varieties because they contain more fiber, something you’ll need during periods of constipation. 
  • To enjoy levels of vitamin A, C, and Folic Acid, it is essential to eat fruits and vegetables. Doctors recommend up to five daily servings of both foods in any of their varieties: fresh, frozen, canned, nuts and / or juices or shakes.
  • Legumes should also be a must-have in your diet during the gestation period. Once a week a good plate of chickpeas or lentils will give you the protein, folic acid and iron you need.
  • Proteins, vitamins and minerals, especially iron, are necessary during these months. They come from lean meats, fish and eggs, among others.
  • Calcium is essential to maintain strong bones and teeth and for this, you must drink milk and its derivatives. The medical recommendation is to take two or three servings a day.  

You should keep the consumption of foods containing fats and sugar to a minimum. However, a small, occasional treat, such as eating a couple of candies, in the context of a healthy diet won’t hurt you (or your child).

comida en el embarazo
Prohibited foods

What about sweets? It’s more than likely that at some point you’ll feel like having a scone, a bonbon or a sweet snack… Well, you cannot say that they are forbidden, but it is true its consumption should indeed be very limited because it will not provide you with any nutrients but fat.

Something similar happens with ultra-processed foods, such as sausages and packaged sausages.

Raw foods should also disappear from your menu over the next few months. Be it eggs, meats, fish, seafood or certain cold meats (ham, chorizo, sausage, and loin).

You will also have to say goodbye to all those foods that are not pasteurized, such as milk and dairy products. This is the case of feta, goat, brie, camembert, blue cheese…

And finally, be very careful with fish that are high in mercury. It is best not to eat shark, swordfish or bluefin tuna during this time.

While avoiding all these foods can cause some displeasure, the truth is that when you see your baby’s face you will feel that all the sacrifices you’ve made during this time will have been worth it.